So one of our reading stories is called "The Pinata Maker". It is a nonfiction text showing the process taken to create a pinata. In the story, it looks sooooo easy and not messy at all.. Well, the author in this one.. LIED!!!!!

We used balloons and flour/water paper mache to make our pinatas. I swear that stuff is still stuck to EVERYTHING in my room. So now, I vow to never...ever...again endure a project such as this.. I am not, by any means a crafty/artsy person and it definitely shows with this project... It was a horrible mess and we're not finished yet! Still have to paint, stuff, and break these bad boys.. Believe me, I will be quite glad to see them shattered to pieces!

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    My name is Randi Smith. I have been teaching for seven years in North Georgia. I spent one year in fourth, two years in second, and four years in third grade and I have enjoyed them all!


    June 2012
    May 2012

